British Deputy Prime Minister resigns over pornography scandal

British Prime Minister, Theresa May, on Wednesday accepted the resignation of her deputy Damian Green, who announced he was stepping down following a probe into his conduct.

May wrote in a letter addressed to Green, “It is therefore with deep regret, and enduring gratitude for the contribution you have made over many years, that I asked you to resign from the government and have accepted your resignation.”

The departure of one of the Prime Minister’s closest aides is the result of an investigation into Green’s conduct following newspaper allegations published last month.

The Times had reported that pornography was found on Green’s parliamentary computer in 2008, while in a separate article a journalist claimed Green acted inappropriately towards her in 2015.

In its report the Cabinet Office said Green had breached the ministerial code when he made “inaccurate and misleading” statements, by falsely claiming he was unaware that pornographic material had been found on his computer.