“How Alleged Husband Killer, Maryam’s Mother, Her Brother And Houshelp Tried To Hide Evidence” – Police

The Nigerian Police Force, on Thursday alleged before an Abuja High Court at Jabi, that the family members of Maryam Sanda, wife of murdered son of erstwhile Chairman of the Peoples Democratic Party, PDP, Bilyamin Bello, attempted to hide evidence against her.

The Police, in an amended two-count charge it filed before the court, alleged that Maryam’s mother, Maimuna Aliyu and her brother, Aliyu Sanda, upon realizing that an offence of culpable homicide was committed, “did cause evidence of the offence to disappear”.

It said the duo, with the help of one Sadiya Aminu, a househelp, carefully cleaned the blood from the scene of the crime with the intention of screening the 1st defendant, Maryam, from legal punishment.

img crd – Daily Trust

According to the prosecution, the three persons involved in the scrubbing-off of murdered Bilyamin’s blood, by their action, committed an offence punishable under section 167 of the Penal Code Law.

Consequently, Police re-arraigned Maryam alongside her mother, brother and Aminu, before trial Justice Yusuf Halilu.

Meanwhile, all the defendants pleaded not guilty to the charge. In his ruling, Justice Halilu declined to release the alleged ‘killer wife’ on bail.

The Judge ordered that she should remain in Suleja prison until February 5, 2018, when a full-blown hearing was scheduled to begin in the case.