Borno demolishes guest house used by prostitutes, arrests sex hawkers

Officials of the Borno State Government have demolished Maina Guest House said to be the operational base of sex hawkers and criminals in Maiduguri, the state capital.

A number of suspects were arrested on Friday during the demolition exercise which was carried out by a committee headed by the state Attorney-General and Commissioner for Justice, Kaka Lawan.

A number of buildings and other illegal structures were pulled down in the area as part of the plan by the state government to rid the neighbourhood of criminal elements.

Governor Kashim Shettima who visited the site disclosed plans to build a school for the members of the community and save the city from criminals and terrorists.

“There are no schools in the whole of this neighbourhood; we have the option of building schools here to meet the yearnings and aspiration of the people,’’ he said.

Shettima, who was in the area on an assessment visit, said the decision was necessary to save the city from breeding criminals and terrorists.

He commended members of the committee for a job well done.

“You did an outstanding job, I commend you to keep the flag flying. Wherever there are black spots, you have my mandate to go and take charge without delay. I want you to operate within the ambit of the law. For individuals with legal papers, we have no right to encroach on their properties.

“We have to fight criminality and all anti-social behavior. This is a place where drugs are sold; it is a hideout for criminals, vandals, terrorists and all sorts of people,” the governor stated.