Wenger will resign as Arsenal manager after this season – Gary Neville

Former Manchester United captain, Gary Neville, has said he sees Arsenal manager Arsene Wenger resigning at the end of the season.

The Sky Sports’ pundit also believes the signing of Pierre-Emerick Aubameyang last week, shows Wenger is losing control at the club.

Aubameyang’s move to Arsenal was fairly simple in comparison to other deals, with no rival clubs trying to swoop for their man. According to Neville, that doesn’t happen without good reason.

“No-one gets a free run at a player like that anymore for that price,’ he said.

“When I think of City needing a new striker, they’ve been in for Sanchez. Chelsea: looking at Giroud. United, signing Sanchez but never linked at Aubameyang.

“You think of Klopp, signing him at Dortmund, needing a back-up striker for Firmino. There was never a mention of other clubs for Aubameyang.

“I think it might be a situation where they say, ‘We’ll give you a two-year contract,’ that puts the questions to bed for another 18 months. But actually, next summer when no-one expects it, we’ll wake up one morning and he’ll say ‘I’m resigning as Arsenal manager.’ That’s a fact, I know that will happen because he will not be able to tell anyone he’s doing it, just like Sir Alex Ferguson.

“So I think this may be Arsene Wenger’s last season at Arsenal and they’ve thrown everyone with the two-year contract.”