2019: Mbaka blows hot on link with Atiku

The Spiritual Director of Adoration ministry Enugu, Nigeria, Rev Fr Ejike Mbaka, at the weekend, said he had no link with former vice president, Atiku Abubakar.

Fr Mbaka expressed bitterness over a report which claimed he had declared support for Atiku’s presidential bid in 2019.

An online publication claimed that the Catholic priest had declared support for Atiku’s presidential ambition for 2019.

But, the fiery cleric, in a statement signed by the Media and Legal Adviser of Adoration Ministry Enugu Nigeria, Ike Maximus Ugwuoke, and issued in Enugu, denied the report.

Mbaka said God has not spoken to him about Atiku, and warned that those who fabricated the lies would incur the wrath of God if they fail to apologise within seven days.

“I read the report about my support for Atiku with bitterness in my heart as I can see how wicked and evil some media people could be.

“Those who are impersonating my name wickedly and politically must be careful. People must fear God and respect His anointed. Whoever is trying to use my name to support or promote Atiku’s political exploits is attracting God’s wrath to himself or herself.

“For now, I have never spoken neither for nor against Atiku. God has shown me nothing about him. Neither in the public nor in the secret have I said what the reporter claimed. When, where, with whom and under what platform did the mendacious and wicked reporter hear or see me talk about Atiku?

“I give the reporter seven days to recant the report or apologise, or I will take action against such vulturous and satanic character assassins who have been working hard to destroy my reputation or make me a false prophet.
“I am busy with the work of God, and I am now in a deeper contemplative encounter with the awesome God. My concerns now are the healing, deliverance, blessing and breakthrough, etc of my people. I don’t talk carelessly. I speak when God has given me a word. For now, God has not revealed anything about Atiku Abubakar.”

According to Ugwuoke, Fr Mbaka has been committed to the ongoing 2017 crusade of Awesome Miracles from the Awesome God in the ministry which started last Wednesday.

“He has not been seen or heard in any other public or private forum where he could have made such declarations as claimed by the reporter.

“He is such a courageous man of God whose messages are always dubbed in video CDs for all who care to watch and listen, no matter whose ox is gored.

“None of those declarations in the said media report was Fr Mbaka’s. We challenge the fabricator of that report to produce the proof or evidence to back up the claim or recant the publication, forthwith, else, he should brace up to face the consequence of impersonation and mendacious report,” Ugwuoke warned.