“Women should not preach while putting on trousers” – Nigerian Man Says.

Okoli Ijeoma on Facebook took to the social media platform to share an incident that happened while she commuting from Onitsha.

According to Ijeoma, a lady who donned a trouser had decided to preach the gospel to her fellow travelers when a man stopped her saying women shouldn’t preach on trousers.

Ijeoma wrote:

Is it true that Ladies should not preach while putting on trouser?….

I was on my way back from onitsha when a lady sitting infront of me wanted to preach inside the bus, a guy sitting near me interrupted her and told her never to preach while putting on trouser, that next time she should dress like a child of God before trying to preach to others.

Argument ensuea, a lot supported the guy while some said it doesn’t matter what she is wearing so far her heart is pure, but the lady couldn’t preach again because the embarrasment was much.

What’s your take on this? does what one wears matters when preaching? should ladies avoid wearing trouser if they want to preach?