Jilted Boyfriend Stabs Girlfriend 17 Times Till She Died For Refusing His Marriage Proposal (Photos)

A jilted man stabbed his girlfriend to death in a shop after she rejected his marriage proposal.

The killer then turned the knife on himself in a failed bid to commit suicide.

Shocking images show the man writhing in agony while covered in blood on the floor as shoppers and the woman’s distraught mother denounce him for his brutal act.

He then begged onlookers: ‘Finish me off.’

The 23-year-old woman’s body can be seen under a freezer in the grocery store. Witnesses said she had been stabbed 17 times.

The man, 26, had followed her into the shop in the oil-rich Russian city of Ufa, in Bashkortostan region.

Earlier he had waited for her near her house and she had tried to flee from him, according to neighbours.