Female Corps Member Shares Touching Life Story After Her Uncle’s Wife Bathed Her With Acid When She Was 9

Acid bath survivor, Chizoba Francess Obanye is currently undergoing her compulsory one year National youth service programme in Delta State.

Chizoba took to Facebook to recall the challenges she faced after the attack by her uncle’s wife – whwhich changed her life… and face.

Read her story;

“Some yrs back I became a victim of acid bath I wasn’t too bothered cos I was still tender I stayed at d hospital for lyk a year and six months,i came out I had to face d world wit d help of my parents, I started school people will see me dy will be scared it was quiet challenging, I will ask myself will I make it wit dis condition my swt mum will encourage me swt hrt u will make it I will smile and be happy at least I will make it but my fear was will I be beta she will tell me I will, I entered sec school I paired with people some will like to relate wit me y some won’t still it did not stop me from moving on,some will ask dose she has a boyfriend do u know y cos dy feel kno one will luv her wit a scar on her face I will laugh still I moved on. People were asking many questions about me cos I amaze people. Today she is a graduate and a Corper is d God’s grace at work in my life, D funnest of all is dat my enemies did not know I will move on dis big and I will surprise dem making itbigger and letting d whole world know dat having a scar on ur face dosent stop u from shining.
#Proud of my self # #come into my world nd experience a real happiness