Reps divided over call to sack IGP

Members of the House of Representatives are currently divided over a proposed motion to rescind a resolution on the sack of the Inspector General of Police (IGP), Ibrahim Idris.

Last Wednesday, the Green Chamber adopted a motion passing a vote of no confidence on the police boss.

This was sequel to a motion sponsored by Danburam Nuhu from Kano, who drew the attention of the lawmakers to the “complicity” of the Nigeria police in the high rate of thuggery in the state.

In its resolution, the House urged President Muhammadu Buhari to replace the IGP with a more professional officer.

Lawmakers specifically asked the president to remove the IGP on the ground of “gross incompetence.” 

However, 24 hours later, six lawmakers sponsored another motion and urged the chamber to rescind its decision on Idris.

Thereafter, the lead sponsor, Ehiozuwa Agbonayinma raised the motion under Matters of Urgent National Importance on the floor, last Thursday, although Speaker Yakubu Dogara, urged him to bring up the matter by way of substantive motion.

Aside Agbonayinma, others listed as the sponsors of the motion were Abdullahi  Mahmud Gaya, Muhammad Sani Abdul, Ayuba Moh’d Bello, Chika Adamu and Bashir Babale. gathered that lawmakers are sharply divided over the proposed  motion which would likely come up for debate tomorrow.

Mark Gbillah, who is one of those opposed to the motion, confirmed that they are mobilising seriously, to ensure that the motion is defeated.

The lawmaker dismissed the motion as politically motivated.

“ A few people can not upturn the decision of the House. Our opinion is that the IGP is not competent to shepherd the police at this time.  They are just trying to play politics with it.  It is rather unfortunate.

“ Some of us will make sure we are there to kill the motion. So,  we are not an inconsistent chamber of the National Assembly. We will remain consistent.  They should all be getting ready for a defeat.  We are mobilising to stop any playing  the gallery. That, I can assure Nigerians,” Gbillah said.

Regardless, Agbonayinma said he is not actually against the resolution of the House calling for the sack of the IGP but noted that his concern is that Idris was not given fair hearing before the resolution.

Similarly, co- sponsor of the motion, Gaya said he does not understand the basis for the House’s resolution; that the IGP should be sacked.

The lawmaker said sponsors of the motion are equally reaching out to their colleagues, on why the House’s decision should be rescinded.

When contacted, Chairman of the Committee on Media and Public Affairs, Abdulrasak Namdas said it is within the law for the six lawmakers to bring up the motion but that whether or not it will sail through is another issue altogether.

“By law, they are allowed to raise substantive motion on the floor, (but) it  is not going to be a one-man affair. It is a motion that will be decided by the generality of members present. So, I cannot sit down here and tell you this is what is likely to happen,” said Namdas.