I would have joined SDP ‘Youth Vanguard’ if… – IBB

A former military President, Ibrahim Babangida, said he was impressed by the kind of personalities that make up the Social Democratic Party (SDP), describing it as a party for the future.

Speaking at the weekend when the leadership of the party  led by its chairman, Chief Olu Falae, visited him at his hill-top mansion in Minna, IBB said, “If I hadn’t been too old, I would have loved to join the Youths vanguard of your party”.

Babangida, who said he has faith in the political party, added that it was pleasing to hear that SDP has people like Chief Olu Falae, Professor Jerry Gana, and Professor Adeniran.

“I said this party is real because most of the names are names that I have known and I have worked with and for the sake of this country, so, I said the party is smart to convince all these gentlemen to come and join them,” he also said.

Babangida, who said the vision he had for the country is the same vision shared by those driving the SDP, added that, “the security and wellbeing of Nigerians is very important and you have identified this in your programme. So, Nigerians must rally round you and support you to ensure that this is realizable”.

He said he has not openly endorsed any political party of recent, but “I can tell you that the party has people who have contributed a lot to this country, people whose contributions to Nigeria are legendary.”

Speaking, the SDP National Chairman, Chief Olu Falae said the party’s executive were in Minna to solicit for the former leader’s support and wise counselling.